Our Clients



Manufacturers are typically high tax payers due to the extensive list of equipment needed to run manufacturing lines.  On-hand inventory can also inflate a company's tax bill.  We currently represent several manufacturing facilities in the Oklahoma City area as well nation wide.  Our extensive expertise in area of manufacturing helps us keep your taxes minimum thus saving you valuable revenue.   




Business personal property taxes can be tricky for restaurants.  They typically have short equipment turnover which can result in lengthy and messy depreciation schedules.  We pride ourselves in keeping clean, up-to-date asset listings for our clients so they only pay taxes on equipment that is in-use.  We currently represent several local restaurants as well as restaurant chains across the Continental United States.  Our restaurant experience allows our clients to be taxed well below their competitors.




Retail stores can see their taxes greatly increase due to their inventory on-hand.  It is important to have the expertise needed to properly file your business personal property renditions each year.  You need a professional on your side to help you understand your rendition filings and how business personal property taxes are different from income and sales taxes.




Whether your office is just you and your desk or full of hundreds of employees, cubicles, filing cabinets, conference rooms, and computer servers, you need an expert handling your business personal property renditions.  Over 75% of businesses file incorrect business personal property renditions resulting in over-taxation.  It is the responsibility of the taxpayer to correct any errors and most businesses don't even know errors exist.  We file accurate renditions, every time.  We guarantee it. 


Real Estate


If your company owns real estate you not only have to worry about the taxes on your equipment, but also your land and building.  We provide up to date and accurate valuations on your real estate so that you know how you fair in the market and surrounding areas.  If necessary, we will fight on your behalf, formally or informally, to get you the valuation that you deserve.




As a professional service, you and your company are well educated in your specific field.  You know everything possible to help your customers achieve their goals.  We are proud to say the same thing.  We are professionals in the area of ad-valorem property taxes.  We can help you save significant and valuable dollars.


Why Out-Source?

You may be asking yourself why you need another out-sourcing company.  Williams Tax Consulting is here for you full-time, every day, and every year.  Your business personal property renditions are due anytime from January to April while your accountant(s) are handling income taxes, sales taxes, and use taxes.  Business personal property taxes are usually overlooked.  Williams Tax Consulting only handles property tax.  We are dedicated to making sure your taxes are accurate, on-time, and as low as possible while maintaining compliance with local jurisdictions.  Our service pays for itself in tax savings each and every year.